Wish – Disney’s Magical Journey of Wishes and Hope

"Wish" is an animated film produced by Disney, released in 2023. The movie celebrates Disney's 100th anniversary and focuses on the theme of wishes and dreams. It introduces a new character, Asha, a young woman who lives in the magical kingdom of Rosas. The film’s plot revolves around Asha's journey to help save her kingdom with the power of her wish.

Plot Overview:

The story follows Asha, who, in times of peril, calls upon the magic of the stars in her kingdom. The kingdom’s wishes are granted by the stars, but a dark force threatens to extinguish the light of those wishes. Asha embarks on a journey to restore the balance, encountering new characters and facing challenges that test her belief in hope and the magic of wishes.


  • The Power of Wishes: The film focuses on the idea that wishes have the power to change destinies and bring hope.
  • Self-Discovery and Heroism: Asha’s journey highlights themes of bravery, growth, and understanding her own potential to shape the world around her.

Animation and Music:

Wish features vibrant animation and an original soundtrack that enhances the magical atmosphere of the kingdom of Rosas.