“Sakamoto Days” is a popular manga series by Yuto Suzuki, serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump since 2020. It follows the story of Taro Sakamoto, a former legendary hitman who has since retired from his violent life to run a convenience store and live a peaceful life with his family. But despite his new, calm lifestyle, Sakamoto’s past catches up with him, leading him into hilarious yet action-packed situations where he must fight off assassins who want to take him down.
Sakamoto is no ordinary protagonist—he’s a bit overweight, with a soft demeanor that hides his dangerous skills. The contrast between his appearance and his incredible combat abilities adds humor to the story. The supporting cast, like Shin, a clairvoyant former colleague, and other colorful characters, bring depth and variety to the story’s action sequences and comedy.
The series has been praised for its unique blend of humor, fast-paced action, and inventive fight scenes. It has gained a dedicated following for balancing intense action with a quirky, slice-of-life vibe. Fans enjoy the subversion of the hitman trope and Sakamoto’s commitment to his family while still navigating the chaotic remnants of his assassin past.