Parasyte Anime - Survival, Morality, and Human Nature Explored

Parasyte (also known as Kiseijū: Sei no Kakuritsu) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hitoshi Iwaaki. The story follows a high school student named Shinichi Izumi, whose right hand becomes infected by a parasitic alien creature called Migi. These parasites, which invade human bodies and take control of their brains, have begun to infest Earth. However, Migi and Shinichi form a strange bond, with Migi controlling the hand while Shinichi maintains his consciousness. Together, they must survive as they face other parasitic creatures and uncover the deeper mysteries behind the invasion.

The anime adaptation of Parasyte aired in 2014-2015 and has been praised for its exploration of themes like identity, morality, and the human condition. It combines psychological drama with intense action sequences, as Shinichi and Migi confront not only external threats but also the ethical dilemmas of coexisting with an alien parasite.

The series also delves into philosophical questions about survival, evolution, and what it means to be human, making it a compelling watch for fans of sci-fi and psychological thrillers.
