Hunter x Hunter is a popular manga and anime series created by Yoshihiro Togashi. It follows the story of Gon Freecss, a young boy who embarks on a journey to become a Hunter, hoping to find his father, who is a legendary Hunter himself. Hunters in this universe are elite members with access to rare resources, exploration rights, and combat abilities.
The series is beloved for its complex characters, intricate world-building, and unique power system called Nen, which grants characters supernatural abilities based on their personality and training. The story explores a wide range of themes, including friendship, ambition, morality, and the cost of power.
The anime has seen multiple adaptations, with the 2011 version being highly praised for its animation and pacing. However, the manga has had an irregular publishing schedule due to Togashi's health issues, leading to extended hiatuses, which fans often joke about but genuinely miss seeing completed.