"Ghost of Yōtei" is an upcoming action-adventure game developed by Sucker Punch Productions, set to release in 2025 exclusively for PlayStation 5. It is a sequel to the popular 2020 game Ghost of Tsushima, though it takes place over 300 years later, in 1603. This time, the game is set in the northern region of Japan, around Mount Yōtei in Hokkaido (previously known as Ezo).
The new protagonist, Atsu, is a female warrior who adopts the persona of "The Ghost." The game is expected to feature a mix of intense sword combat, stealth mechanics, and new elements such as firearms and Kusarigama (a chained sickle weapon). Atsu's journey seems to revolve around being hunted while seeking vengeance, with more player control over her choices compared to the original game. The game will also revisit mechanics like standoffs and guiding winds, popular from Ghost of Tsushima, while adding new features. Fans are eagerly awaiting more updates as the release date approaches.