Baki Hanma is the protagonist of the Baki the Grappler series, created by Keisuke Itagaki. Known for its intense, hand-to-hand martial arts and fighting sequences, the story follows Baki's journey to become the strongest fighter, motivated by his complex relationship with his father, Yujiro Hanma—considered the most powerful creature on Earth. Throughout the series, Baki encounters various fighters and martial artists, each with unique skills and philosophies, as he trains and tests his strength.
The series has multiple installments, including Baki the Grappler, Baki, Hanma Baki, and Baki-Dou, with adaptations in manga, anime, and OVAs. The Netflix adaptation Baki Hanma takes viewers through more of Baki’s journey, with its intense, brutal battles and unique character designs that emphasize exaggerated physiques and raw power dynamics.