Arc Raiders is an upcoming free-to-play, third-person multiplayer "extraction shooter" developed by Embark Studios. Initially announced in 2021 as a cooperative PvE game, the project has since evolved to combine PvE and PvP elements, focusing on survival in a futuristic, post-apocalyptic world.
Set in a devastated Earth-like setting, players operate as Raiders who leave the safety of the underground colony of Speranza to battle robotic enemies called ARC and scavenge vital resources. The game emphasizes teamwork, survival tactics, and the use of diverse gadgets, such as jetpacks and grenade launchers. It features atmospheric visuals and dynamic encounters with enemies ranging from small drones to towering mechs.
The game is built on Unreal Engine and will be available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. While its official release date has not been announced, the game has generated excitement with its unique mix of exploration, combat, and player-versus-player interaction.