Apocalypto is a 2006 film directed by Mel Gibson, set during the decline of the Mayan civilization. The movie tells the story of Jaguar Paw, a young man from a small village, whose life is upended when his community is attacked by a raiding party. The captives are taken to a large Mayan city where many are sacrificed, but Jaguar Paw escapes and must survive while being hunted by his captors, all while trying to return to his family.
The film is known for its:
- Authenticity: The dialogue is entirely in Yucatec Maya, with English subtitles. This approach immerses the audience in the historical setting.
- Visuals: Stunning cinematography that captures the lush landscapes and the grandeur of Mayan architecture.
- Themes: It explores themes of survival, human sacrifice, and the impact of civilization's decay.
- Action: The film is intense and brutal, showcasing the violence of the era but also the resilience of the human spirit.
While the movie was praised for its technical aspects and gripping storytelling, it also faced criticism for historical inaccuracies and its portrayal of the Mayan culture, which some argued leaned into stereotypes.